How to Draw SpongeBob SquarePants
Use the video and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants. A new cartoon drawing tutorial is uploaded every week, so stay tooned!
Intro: Start drawing SpongeBob SquarePants with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don't press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.
Step 1: To draw Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants, start by drawing a rectangle near the middle of the page. Then on the right side of the rectangle, draw in three straight lines to make the shape should look like a brick on its end. This will be the basic shape for SpongeBob SquarePants' body.
Step 2: Next draw a vertical line down the center of the rectangle and two horizontal lines. Draw the first horizontal line above the center of the rectangle, and draw the second closer to the bottom and extend it all the way across the side of the rectangle. These are construction lines that will help you place SpongeBob SquarePants' features later on.
Step 3: Now draw a line beginning on the left side from in between the two horizontal construction lines. Draw the line up and to the left. Draw another line on the other side of the rectangle that goes right away from his body then sharply angles back in, as well as going downward. Draw a small circle on the tips of these lines. Underneath SpongeBob's body, draw two lines with ovals on the ends of them. These are guides that will help you draw SpongeBob SquarePants' appendages later on.
Step 4: Draw a circle to the right of the vertical line that sits on top of the horizontal construction line. Draw another circle directly to the left of the first that just barely overlaps it. These will be SpongeBob SquarePants' eyes.
Step 5: Draw SpongeBob SquarePants' nose as a long oval that starts where the horizontal and vertical line cross, and it angle it up to overlap the left eye. Draw his mouth as a slightly curved line underneath his nose that ends on the horizontal construction line. Draw another U-shaped curve beneath it.
Step 6: Draw two small trapezoids where the guides for his arms begin to create SpongeBob SquarePants' shirtsleeves. Draw four small ovals that look like tiny sausages on the circle at the end of the left guide. Draw one small oval on the outside of the right circle. These will be SpongeBob SquarePants' fingers.
Step 7: Under the second horizontal construction line, draw three upside-down triangles and a diamond beneath the middle triangle. These shapes will make SpongeBob SquarePants' tie and collar. Draw another horizontal line underneath the second that is parallel to it for his pants.
Step 8: Draw two more trapezoid shapes under the original brick shape where the guides for his legs begin. Split the ovals that will make SpongeBob SquarePants' feet by drawing two circles in each oval.
Step 9: That's it for the initial sketch of Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants! You have the basic SpongeBob SquarePants shape, so now you will go in and tighten your drawing. From this point on, press harder with your pencil in order to get darker lines and a more defined sketch.
Step 10: Tighten the shape of SpongeBob SquarePants' nose by tapering the beginning of it. Attach the top part of his mouth to the bottom of his nose and draw a curve on top of the end of his smile to indicate his cheek. Draw two squares below the top of his mouth for his teeth. Use two curves to draw his tongue and draw a squiggle under his mouth for his lip.
Step 11: Darken in SpongeBob SquarePants' eyes, making sure not to darken the parts that overlap his mouth or his right eye. Draw a circle in each eye and smaller circle inside each of those circles to make SpongeBob's irises and pupils. Draw three thick, short lines on top of his eyes to represent the eyelashes of this Nickelodeon cartoon character.
Step 12: Tighten the right arm by rounding the trapezoid to draw the sleeve. Thicken SpongeBob SquarePants' arm, hand and pinky finger.
Step 13: When you darken SpongeBob SquarePants' body, use the main rectangle brick shape as a guide. Follow the guide, but draw the lines wavy instead of straight. Also, draw differently sized circles throughout his body. Don't draw too many, or he'll look weird. About 10 circles will do.
Step 14: Darken in the lower half of SpongeBob SquarePants' body. Make him slightly thinner than the original rectangle brick shape by bringing in the left side of him closer to the middle. Also draw a series of horizontal rectangles on his pants to draw his belt.
Step 15: Tighten his left arm like you did when drawing his right arm. Round the shirtsleeve and thicken his arm, hand and fingers. Draw a small curved line in the middle of SpongeBob SquarePants' palm.
Step 16: Round the trapezoids that make his pant legs and slightly thicken his legs. Draw three small lines on his legs to indicate the tops of his socks. Connect the circles on this cartoon character's feet to make his shoes and draw a small heel on each. Draw a circle on top of each shoe to make them shine.
Step 17: That's it! You now have a nice sketch of Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants. You can stop at this quick drawing for a rough, sketchy look or go for a more finished look by continuing to the step below.
Step 18: For a more finished, inked look, carefully draw over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker. Wait for the ink to dry, and then get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser. You now have a finished inked drawing of SpongeBob SquarePants! You can stop here or go to the final step to complete your SpongeBob SquarePants drawing.
Final Step: For a completely finished SpongeBob SquarePants drawing, you have to color it. You can use markers, color pencils or even crayons! Color SpongeBob SquarePants' body, head, arms and legs yellow. The inside of the circles around him should be a dull green or tan color. The irises in his eyes are blue. The inside of his mouth is dark brown and his tongue is pink. Color his tie red, his pants brown, and color his belt and shoes black. Give him some red and blue on the stripes on his socks. That's it! You now have a complete drawing of Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants.
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