How to Draw Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Use the videos and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob SquarePants. Stay tooned for more tutorials!
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Intro: Start off with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don’t press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.
Step 1: Draw a circle near the top of the paper as a guide for Sandy Cheeks's head. First make four small marks to indicate the circle's height and width. Then connect the marks using curved lines. Sketch lightly at first so that it's easy to erase if you make mistake. If you're struggling to draw the circle, trace the outer rim of a coin, a lid or any other object with a circular edge.
Step 2: Inside the circle, draw a curved, horizontal line to help you place Sandy's facial features later. On top of the horizontal line, draw a curved, vertical line for another construction guide.
Step 3: Because Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel, she needs a suit and helmet to breathe underwater. Draw a circle around the head for the helmet by first making a small mark near the bottom edge of the head. High above the head, make another small mark. Make another small mark on either side of the head. Pay attention to the distance of the marks to Sandy's head. Now connect the marks using curved lines to complete the shape of the helmet. The circle for the head should be close to the bottom edge of the circle for the helmet.
Step 4: Draw the guide for Sandy's body by first making a small mark far down below the helmet. Now draw two long, vertical lines below the helmet, on the sides, for the sides of the body. Connect the mark to the vertical lines using a curved horizontal line to finish the guide for the body.
Step 5: On the right side of the body, draw an angled line similar to a greater-than sign (>) as a guide for the first arm. At the end of the line, draw a small circle as a guide for Sandy's hand.
Step 6: On the left side of the body, draw a diagonal line as a guide for Sandy's other arm. At the end of the line, draw a small circle as a guide for the other hand.
Step 7: Under Sandy Cheeks's body, on the right side, add the guide for the leg by first drawing a short line. Below the line, draw the foot using a series of sloping lines. The foot is a rectangular cuboid shape with six sides.
Step 8: On the left, draw the guide for the visible portion of Sandy's other leg the same way. It's a short line for the leg and a hexagon-like shape below it for the foot.
That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.
Step 9: Inside the head, draw two small circles for Sandy's eyes. Place the eyes on top of the horizontal construction line and on either side of the vertical line. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the eyes when you get the size and position right.
Step 10: Inside each eye, draw a small dot for the pupils. At the top edge of each eye, draw three short lines for Sandy's eyelashes.
Step 11: Under the eyes, on the left side, draw a triangle for the nose. Pay attention to the size of Sandy's nose in relation to the eyes.
Step 12: Under the nose, draw a curved, horizontal line for the top part of the open mouth. Add a short line on the right end for a smile line. Under the mouth, draw a small square with a short line across it for Sandy's teeth.
Step 13: Draw another curved line underneath for the bottom part of the open mouth. This line should dip low and almost touch the bottom edge of the initial circle. Inside the mouth, draw two short, curved lines for Sandy's tongue.
Step 14: On the top, left side of the head, draw a small arc with a line across it for Sandy's first ear. Draw a similar arc on the top, right side of the head for the other ear.
Step 15: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the shape of the head. Make the sides of the head narrower than the initial circle. The right side of the head consists of a line that goes from the ear to the horizontal guide. Now draw Sandy's cheeks using the lower half of the initial circle as a guide. Follow the basic edge of the initial circle but make the cheeks a bit wider. The top half of the head should be narrow and the bottom wide.
Step 16: Add the flower on Sandy's helmet by first drawing a small circle on the top, right side. Draw the petals around the small circle using a series of curved lines. Draw the petals around the small circle using a series of curved lines. The petals at the bottom should be very close to the ear on the right. There should be five petals, and they should be evenly spaced. Darken the initial circle for the helmet but don't overlap the flower.
Step 17: Draw two short lines under the head for Sandy's neck. Draw a series of curved, horizontal lines on the sides of the neck for the top of the underwater suit.
Step 18: Draw a curved, horizontal line under the helmet for the top edge of Sandy's suit. Inside the curved band, draw five tiny circles for the rivets on the suit.
Step 19: Use the angled line on the right side of the body as a guide to draw Sandy's first arm. Follow the path of the guide and draw the shape of the arm around it. Make the shape of the arm thick around the guide. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the shape right. Darken the sides of the circle at the bottom for the hand. Draw a curved line on the right for the folded fingers.
Step 20: Darken the cylinder-like shape under the helmet for the suit's body. At the top, draw the zipper using a couple of triangle- like shapes. Under the zipper, draw a long, vertical, wavy line for its path.
Step 21: Inside the body, on the top, right side, draw a small rectangle for Sandy's acorn badge. Inside the rectangle, draw the top part of the acorn first using three short, curved lines. The bottom of the acorn consists of two curved lines that come to a point at the bottom.
Step 22: Use the diagonal line on the left side of the body as a guide to draw the other arm. Follow the path of the guide and draw the thick shape of the arm around it. Draw a small arc on the top, right side of the initial circle for the thumb. Draw a bigger arc on the left side of the initial circle for the rest of the hand. Darken the bottom edge of the circle to complete Sandy's mitt-like hand.
Step 23: Use the shapes under the body, on the right side as guides to draw Sandy Cheeks's first leg. Follow the path of the guide to draw the top part of the leg. Now draw the top part of the boot but make it wider than the leg. Darken the outer edges of the initial shape to create the rest of the boot. Draw an extra line along the bottom of the boot to create a thick sole. Draw a small circle on the right for design and an angled line on the left for the flat front of the boot.
Step 24: Use the shapes on the left as guides to draw Sandy's other boot the same way. Draw the shape of the leg and top of the boot around the initial short guide line. Then darken the shape at the bottom for the rest of the boot. Don't forget the thick sole! Add the top of a circle on the right for design and an angled line on the left for the flat front.
Step 25: Add Sandy's squirrel tail by first drawing a curved line that starts at the elbow. Draw another line that curves up from the hand. Sketch lightly at first. Then continue drawing the first line downward to meet the bottom line. The tail should fold over itself.
Step 26: For a more finished look, carefully go over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker.
Step 27: After inking, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser.
Final Step: Color your Sandy Cheeks drawing using color pencils, markers or crayons! Color the flower pink and yellow. Color the top half of the head, the neck and the tail light brown. Color her nose and tongue pink and the bottom half of the head light yellow. Color the inside of the mouth dark red and the top of the suit and boots gray. On each arm, draw two red lines and one blue one. Color the badge yellow, the top of the acorn brown and the bottom yellow-orange. Color Sandy's helmet light blue but leave a spot blank on the top, left side to represent shine. You can also leave the helmet without color if you'd like. Don't forget to pause to draw at your own pace.
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