Use the video and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants. A new cartoon drawing tutorial is uploaded every week, so stay tooned!
Intro: Start drawing Patrick Star with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don't press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.
Step 1: To draw Patrick Star, start by drawing a circle on the lower half of the page. This will be the basic shape for Patrick Star's body.
Step 2: Next draw horizontal line near the bottom of the circle and a vertical line near the left side of the circle that extends outside of the circle. When drawing these lines, bend them so they follow the contour shape of a sphere. These will be construction lines that will help you place Patrick Star's features later on.
Step 3: Now draw the basic shape of Patrick Star's head, which is a skinny and tall upside-down U-shape that extends to the top of the vertical construction line and sits on top of the main circle.
Step 4: Draw a smaller, similar-looking curve directly to the left of Patrick Star's head. This will be Patrick Star's arm. To cdraw Patrick's other arm, draw a U shape on the right side of the construction circle and tilt it slightly to the left.
Step 5: Below the main circle on the lower left and right side, draw two small U-shaped curves. These will be Patrick Star's legs.