
How to Draw Hello Kitty




Use the video and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Hello Kitty. A new cartoon drawing tutorial is uploaded every week, so stay tooned!




Intro: Start drawing Hello Kitty with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don't press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.


Draw Hello Kitty Step 1

Step 1: To draw Hello Kitty, start by drawing a sideways oval on the top half of the paper. This will be the basic shape of Hello Kitty's head. Just beneath this shape, draw a square with rounded corners. Draw the square slightly smaller than the head shape. This will be the basic shape for Hello Kitty's body.


Draw Hello Kitty Step 2

Step 2: Next, draw a vertical line that intersects the oval in half and a horizontal line that goes across it. The horizontal line should be a bit below the center. On the body shape, draw a vertical line about two-thirds to the right of the center and a horizontal line below the center of the shape. These will be construction lines that will help you place Hello Kitty's features later on.


Draw Hello Kitty Step 3

Step 3: Above Hello Kitty's head and on either side of the vertical line, draw two small triangles. These will be this cartoon character's ears.


Draw Hello Kitty Step 4

Step 4: For Hello Kitty's arms draw an oval on the upper left side of the body shape. The oval should angle up slightly to the right, and the top right of the arm should graze her head shape. On the upper right side of her body shape, draw another oval of similar size and angle. When drawing this oval, place it higher, and it should also graze the head shape.


Draw Hello Kitty Step 5

Step 5: On the upper right side of Hello Kitty's head and right below her ear, draw a small circle. On either side of the circle, draw two small triangles that point in toward the middle of the small circle. This is the basic shape of Hello Kitty's bow.

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