How to Draw Pikachu (Attack Pose)
Use the videos and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Pikachu (Attack Pose). Stay tooned for more tutorials!
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Intro: Start off with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don’t press down too hard. Use light, smooth strokes for sketching.
Step 1: Draw a big circle near the bottom of the paper as a guide for Pikachu's head. First make four small marks to indicate its height and width. Then connect the marks using curved lines. If you're struggling drawing the circle, trace the outer rim of a coin, a lid or any other object with a circular edge.
Step 2: Draw a curved line across the head to help you place Pikachu's facial features later.
Step 3: Draw two short, diagonal lines on top of the head as guides for Pikachu's ears.
Step 4: Add the guide for Pikachu's body by first making a small mark on the right side of the head. Now connect the mark to the body using curved lines to form the arc for the body. Pay attention to the size of this Pokemon's body in relation to the head. It shouldn't be that big.
Step 5: On the lower, right side of the head, draw a small arc as a guide for Pikachu's arm.
Step 6: On the lower, right side of the body, draw a U-shaped arc as a guide for the top part of the leg. Below that, draw a small oval- like shape as a guide for Pikachu's foot.
Step 7: On top of the body, draw a long, zigzag shape as a guide for Pikachu's tail. Sketch lightly at first. When you get the shape and size right, darken the line.
That's it for the guides! For the next steps, use darker lines for a more defined drawing.
Step 8: Lightly sketch a small circle on top of the line inside the head, near the left side, for the eye. Pay attention to the size of the eye in relation to the rest of the head. When you get the size and placement right, draw a sloping line on top of Pikachu's eye for the eyebrow. Darken the rest of the circle too. Inside the eye, draw a tiny circle to represent glare. Inside the eye, at the bottom, draw a small, moon-like shape for the iris. Now shade the eye except for the small shapes inside.
Step 9: Under the construction line in the head, draw a small circle for Pikachu's red cheeks. The bottom of the cheek circle should touch the guide for the arm. On the left side of the head, under the construction line, draw a tiny triangle and shade it in for the Pokemon's nose.
Step 10: Use the line on top of the head, on the right, as a guide to draw Pikachu's first ear. Draw the curved shape of the ear around the guide. Add a curved line across the ear, near the top.
Step 11: Darken the top and bottom of the arc under the head to create the arm. On the left side of the arc, draw a series of small, triangle-like shapes for Pikachu's fingers.
Step 12: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the shape of Pikachu's head. Darken the top edge of the initial circle but don't overlap the ear. As you darken the front of the face, make the line dip in more toward the eye. Curve the line under the nose and then upward so that it creates a smile. Now darken the rest of the initial circle at the bottom to complete the Pokemon's head.
Step 13: Use the line on top of the head as a guide to draw Pikachu's other ear the same way as the first. Draw the curved shape of the ear around the guide and then add a small line inside.
Step 14: Use the lines on the lower, right side as guides to draw the leg. Darken the outer edges of the guides for the leg. Add two small lines to the foot for Pikachu's toes.
Step 15: Darken the initial arc behind the head to create the shape of Pikachu's body. Behind the head, draw two thin, curved shapes for the stripes on the back. Don't make these shapes too long. The tips should stretch to about half of the body.
Step 16: Add Pikachu's tail by first drawing a short vertical line to the left of the guide at the top. Now draw the shape of the tail by following the path of the guide. The line for the tail should get closer to the guide the farther down it goes.
Step 17: Now use the guide to add the right edge of Pikachu's tail the same way. Notice how the tail gradually gets thinner at the bottom. Add a short zigzag line inside the tail for the color separation.
Step 18: For a more finished look, carefully go over the final sketch lines with a pen or marker.
Step 19: After inking, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser for a cleaner drawing.
Final Step: Color your Pikachu drawing using color pencils, markers or even crayons! Color the body yellow except for the tips of the ears, the cheek, the stripes and bottom of the tail. Use black for the ears, brown for the bottom of the tail, stripes and iris, and red for the cheek. Use yellow around the body for a lightning effect. Leave a space between the yellow and the body.
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