

How to Draw Tinkerbell Full Body Disney 15

Step 15: Draw a short curved line over the eye on the left for the first eyebrow. Draw a longer curved line over the eye on the right for the other eyebrow. Notice the distance between the tops of Tinker Bell's eyes and the eyebrows. Don't draw them too close together.


How to Draw Tinkerbell Full Body Disney 16

Step 16: Draw Tinker Bell's nose as a short, curved line to the right of the eye on the left. Curve the shape of the line so that the tip of the nose is pointy. Add a small dot on the right for the nostril. Use the initial lines as guides to determine the size of the nose.


How to Draw Tinkerbell Full Body Disney 17

Step 17: Under the nose, draw a long, horizontal line for the top lip. Sketch the line lightly at first and darken it when you get it right. Draw a curved line underneath for the bottom part of the open mouth. Add another curved line below that for the bottom lip.


How to Draw Tinkerbell Full Body Disney 18

Step 18: Right above the eyebrows, draw a series of long, curved horizontal lines for the front part of the hair. Curve the lines toward the left until you reach the other eyebrow. Curve the left side of the hair so that it's similar to the letter V to create Tinker Bell's long bangs. Add a long, curved vertical line on the right for the side portion of the hair.


How to Draw Tinkerbell Full Body Disney 19

Step 19: Draw Tinker Bell's pointy ear on the right side of the head using a few short, curved lines.

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