Step 15: Use the short line and circle under the head as guide to draw Spike's first arm. Draw the shape of the arm as two short lines around the guide. Draw four small, V-shaped lines along the bottom edge of the circle for the fingers.
Step 16: Draw the shape of the first leg around the L-shaped guide on the left. The shape of the leg should be wide. Add an extra curved line at the bottom for the foot. Add a couple of lines at the bottom for the toes and a swirly line in the middle of the leg for Spike's knee.
Step 17: Darken the outer edges of the guides under the head to create the shape of the body. Inside Spike's body, to the right of the arm and leg, draw a curved line for the edge of the scales.
Step 18: Now draw the scales on Spike from My Little Pony. Draw a series of short, horizontal lines in the front part of the body. Only draw about five lines for scales. Add a line to the left of the mouth too.
Step 19: Use the V-shaped line and circle on the right as guides to draw the other arm. Follow the path of the V-shaped guide as you draw the shape of the arm around it. Draw a series of short, V-shaped lines around the small circle for the fingers. Spike's thumb should be at the top, while the other three fingers should be on the right side.