Step 16: The final part of Rarity's mane is a series of curved lines within the torso. Under the lines that ended at the torso, draw a shape similar to a curved square. On the top left side of the square, draw a spiral for the folded tip of the mane.
Step 17: Use the line on the right side as a guide to draw Rarity's front legs. Follow the basic path of the guide as you make the first leg thicker using curved lines. The leg should bend near the top. Sketch the lightly at first to get the structure right. Add the visible part of the other front leg on the other side. The bottom part of the legs should be wider than the top.
Step 18: Do the same thing with Rarity's hind legs. Follow the path of the line and thicken up the shape of the leg. Remember to make the bottom part a bit wider. On the right side of the leg, add a similar line to indicate the hind leg on the other side.
Step 19: Use the initial oval shape under the head as a guide to draw Rarity's body. Follow the basic path of the oval as you darken the lines. Darken the line under Rarity's head for her neck.
Step 20: Rarity's tail is also a bit tricky, so it's divided into two parts. First follow the basic path of the guide as you draw two curved lines that make up the base of the tail. Then draw the middle portion of the tail that curves in toward the hind legs and angles at the bottom to form a shape similar to a square.