Step 20: Use the angled line to the right of the body as a guide to draw Bugs Bunny's first arm. Darken the line and make the top part more curved to create the shoulder. Draw another angled line on the left side to make the shape of the arm thicker. At the bottom, draw a small, curved line for the opening of the glove.
Step 21: Use the circle at the bottom as a guide to draw the fist. At the top, draw a curved line similar to an arc on its side for the thumb. Follow the left edge of the circle to draw the side of Bugs Bunny's hand but make it flatter. Draw a series of curved lines at the bottom for the folded fingers. The fist should be thinner than the initial circle. Don't overlap the thumb with the fingers.
Step 22: Use the rectangular shape in the middle as a guide to draw the body. Darken the top lines for the neck. Darken the left edge of the shape but make the bottom part narrower. Draw a line near the left edge of the shape all the way up to the neck for the white part of the torso. Curve this line along the shape of Bugs Bunny's body. Darken the right side but don't overlap the hand.
Step 23: Use the angled line on the left as a guide to draw Bugs Bunny's other arm. Follow the path of the guide and draw the arm around it. Don't make the shape too thick. At the end of the arm, draw a small, curved shape for the glove's opening.
Step 24: Use the circle on the left as a guide to draw the hand. First draw the thumb inside the circle. Draw the thumb at the bottom of the circle as a thin shape that angles in the middle and curves to the left. At the top, draw another thin, curved shape for the index finger. Leave a space between the thumb and finger for Bugs Bunny's carrot. To the left, draw another curved line for the other finger. Bugs has only three fingers and a thumb. To the left, draw a thin shape that curves to the left for the raised pinky.