Step 16: Under the head, draw Fear's bow tie using a series of curved lines. Don't draw the bow tie too big. It should almost fit between the lines for the arms.
Step 17: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw Fear's hand that's on this side. Draw the top of the knuckles using a few curved lines. The bottom part of the hand should stick outside of the initial circle.
Step 18: Now use the initial line as a guide to draw Fear's arm. Follow the path of the guide as you make the shape of the arm thicker. Add the shirt's cuff and button near the top, close to the hand.
Step 19: Use the initial rectangle-like shape as a guide to draw Fear's torso. Darken the lines on the side. Add a V-shaped line for the collar at the top and and extra line at the bottom for the lower edge of his vest.
Step 20: Draw Fear's other hand using the initial circle as a guide. This hand has the fingers folded toward the viewer, so draw them using a series of curved lines within the initial circle. The bottom part of the hand should stick outside of the lower edge of the circle. Use the image above for further reference.