

How to Draw Harley Quinn Step 11

Step 11: Draw the pointy ends of Harley Quinn's jester hat using the initial lines as guides. Make the shapes thicker at the base and narrower the closer they get to the balls.


How to Draw Harley Quinn Step 12

Step 12: Use the original egg shape as a guide to draw the rest of Harley Quinn's head. Be sure to dip the line in toward her eye a bit to form her cheekbone.

How to Draw Harley Quinn Step 13

Step 13: Draw the mask over Harley Quinn's eyes. Simply draw a line that surrounds both of her eyes and make sure to dip in the middle right between her eyes.


How to Draw Harley Quinn Step 14

Step 14: Draw the rest of Harley Quinn's costume. First draw a line across her forehead that then dips down the right side of her head. Draw another curved vertical line above that one. Now darken her neck and shoulders and draw a couple more lines on her neck for the rest of the costume.

How to Draw Harley Quinn Step 15

Step 15 (optional): If you like, you can draw more detail to her costume by drawing three curved lines under Harley Quinn's shoulders. Below each curve draw a small circle.

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