Step 20: Darken the outer edges of the shapes under the head to create Bart's shirt. Draw the bottom edge of the shirt a bit higher than the bottom of the initial oval.
Step 21: Add the other sleeve by first drawing a couple of short lines on the top left side of the body. Now draw a vertical line to complete the shape of the sleeve. Draw Bart's arm as two lines that are parallel to the initial guide.
Step 22: Use the small circle on the left side as a guide to draw Bart Simpson's other hand the same way. Draw the thumb on the lower, right side and three more fingers on the upper left side. Use short curved lines for the fingers. Don't make them too long. They should be short and chubby.
Step 23: Use the shapes and lines under the shirt as guides to draw the shorts. Use a series of curved lines to draw the shorts' cuff around the guide for the leg. Use the initial line for the leg as a guide to determine the width of the cuff. Draw the cuff on the right side the same way. Use curved lines around the guide. Don't make the opening for this cuff visible.
Step 24: Draw the shape of Bart's leg on the left around the initial guide line. Add two curved lines at the bottom of the leg for the donut-shaped sock.