Step 6: To the right, draw another pointy shape using two long, curved lines for another leaf.
Step 7: Below the leaves, draw a long, curved, horizontal line for the top edge of the flower pot. On either side of the line, draw a smaller vertical line for the sides of the pot's upper rim. Draw another long, curved, horizontal line underneath to close off the shape of the flower pot's rim.
Step 8: Under the rim, on the sides, draw two long, vertical lines that slope inward a bit for the sides of the flower pot. Draw a curved, horizontal line at the bottom. You can stop here if you'd like for a pot with a single tulip.
Step 9: To the left of the flower at the top, draw a U-shaped line for the base of another tulip. Tilt the U-shaped line a bit so that it has a diagonal orientation.
Step 10: Inside the U-shaped line, draw a long, curved line for the first tulip petal. Close to the right edge, draw a curved line with a pointy tip for another petal. Add three more pointy tips for the tops of the other flower petals.