Step 11: At the tip, draw a curved line for the top part of the mummy's foot stepping forward. At the bottom, draw another curved line for the bottom edge of the foot. Inside the shape of the foot, draw a wavy line to separate the sole.
Step 12: Under the head, draw a rectangular shape for the mummy's other arm. On the left side, draw a couple of sloping lines for the forearm.
Step 13: At the end of the forearm, draw a tiny oval for the thumb. Now draw a curved line around the thumb for the hand. Under the hand, draw three curved, sausage-like shapes for the mummy's fingers.
Step 14: Under the body, draw a rectangular shape for the top part of the second leg. Below that, add another rectangular shape that slopes to the right for the lower half of the mummy's leg.
Step 15: At the bottom, draw the foot using a few short lines. The mummy is stepping forward, so the tip of the foot should be bent.