Step 15: Below the bridge of the nose, draw an angled line across the head for the top part of Drift's mask. On each side, draw a couple of small rectangles for the mask's fasteners. Darken the bottom part. At the top, on each side, draw diagonal lines for the mask's straps.
Step 16: High above the head, draw a line that's similar to an upside-down letter V for the tip of Drift's spiky hair. On the left side, draw a curved line that connects the top of the hair to the head. Draw a series of short lines above the eyes to create the hairline. Add a couple more spikes at the top and a curved line on the right side that connects to the head.
Step 17: Darken the edges of the initial circle to create the sides of Drift's shaved head. On either side of the head, draw a small, curved line for the ears.
Step 18: Below Drift's mask, draw a curved , horizontal line for the top part of the collar. On the right side, draw a couple of curved lines for the edge of the collar. Add the left side of the collar using a short, vertical line. In the middle draw a long, vertical shape for the collar's design. In the middle of the vertical shape, draw a thin strip for the collar's zipper.
Step 19: Use the shapes in the middle as guides to draw Drift's shirt/torso. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the torso. Curve the lines more as you darken them for a more organic feel. Draw the top line higher than the guide. Darken the left side of the circle for the sleeveless shirt. Add a couple of horizontal lines near the top to emphasize the chest. Draw a couple of sloping lines higher up for the shirt's design.