Step 11: Below the beard, add the belt buckle by first drawing a few short marks. Connect the marks using curved lines to create a rectangular shape with rounded corners. Inside the shape, off to the right, draw a smaller rectangle for the prong. Now draw a smaller rectangle- like shape inside for the buckle's inner edge.
Step 12: On either side of the buckle, draw long, horizontal lines for the actual belt. You can make these lines longer or shorter depending on how big you want your Santa to be.
Step 13: To the right of the beard, draw a couple of curved lines for the hand clasping the toy sack. At the bottom of the hand, draw a triangle-like shape for the toy sack's pinched opening. Add a couple of lines inside the shape for the folds of cloth on the toy sack.
Step 14: Below the hand, draw a curved line for the side of the body. To the right of the hand, draw short strokes for the fluffy cuff. Add a curved line below for the forearm. Below the beard, draw more short strokes for the coat's opening.
Step 15: Below the belt, draw lines that are made up of short strokes for the bottom edge of the coat. Curve the path of the strokes up in the middle, toward the buckle. To make it easier, first lightly sketch straight lines, then darken them using short strokes.