Step 11: Use the initial U-shaped line as a guide to draw Fry's mouth and teeth. Darken the arc to create the upper lip and curve the line back toward the neck to create the smile.
Step 12: Draw a few lines inside Fry's mouth to create his teeth. Darken the lines at the bottom for Fry's neck. Draw a small bump at the top of the line on the right for the lower lip.
Step 13: Darken the C shape on the left for Fry's ear. Draw a couple of curved lines within the shape to represent the inner ear structure.
Step 14: Fry's hair is a bit tricky, so it's divided into two parts. First draw the front part of Fry's hair by drawing a line that starts a the tip of the ear and comes down and then back up several times, then moves up and right across his forehead in a curved path. The line moves up to create a spike on top. Draw a small bump over his eye to create his brow.
Step 15: For the back of Fry's hair, use the main circle's edge as a guide. Draw an M-shaped line on the left side for his hair that sticks out in the back and draw another spike at the front.