Step 25: Darken the sides of the initial guides to create the shape of Jasmine's midsection. Draw two curved lines similar in shape to the letter V for the top edge of the pants.
Step 26: Draw a tiny line in the middle of the torso for Jasmine's belly button. Add another V- shaped line under the midsection to complete the top edge of the pants. Draw a long, curved line on the left side of the torso for the visible portion of the long hair.
Step 27: Use the long vertical line on the right as a guide to draw the first leg. Jasmine wears very puffy pants, so draw the shape of the pant leg wide as you follow the basic path of the guide. The pants are so wide that they will overlap the guide line on the left a little bit. Now draw a long curved line for the bottom part of the pants. This line should be similar to a wide letter U. It should almost cover the lower tip of the guide.
Step 28: Draw Jasmine's other pant leg by using the line on the left as a guide. The other pant leg basically consists of a long wavy line on the left side. Curve the bottom part of the pant leg to make it wide and puffy.
Step 29: Use the tips of the initial vertical lines as guides to draw Jasmine's small feet. Use a couple of short, curved lines to create the curled, pointy tips of the shoes. Draw the shoe on the other side the same way. Don't forget the pointy tip!