

Draw Nick Wilde Zootopia 20

Step 20: Use the angled line on the left as a guide to draw Nick Wilde's arm. Lightly sketch the shape of the shirt's sleeve as you follow the path of the guide. The sleeve is made up of three curved lines. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. Draw the forearm by following the bottom portion of the angled guide line. As you follow the path of the guide, make the top part of the forearm wider and the bottom part thinner for the wrist. Now follow the path of the circle at the bottom to create the shape of the hand. Use a couple of curved lines near the lower edge of the initial circle to create the three fingers.


Draw Nick Wilde Zootopia 21

Step 21: Use the initial rectangle as a guide to draw Nick Wilde's torso and shirt. Darken the line on the left below the initial rectangle for the side of the shirt. Draw a zigzag line to the left of the tie for the bottom part of the shirt. Add a V-shaped line to the right of the tie for the other side of the bottom of the shirt. Darken the right edge of the initial rectangle to create the other side of the shirt and torso. Draw a small square on the top, right side of the shirt for the shirt's pocket.


Draw Nick Wilde Zootopia 22

Step 22: Use the angled line on the right as a guide to draw Nick Wilde's other arm. First draw the sleeve at the top using a couple of curved lines. Follow the basic path of the angled line as you create the shape of the forearm. Use quick, short strokes at the bottom to indicate the fur there.

Now draw a small curved line on the left side of the small circle for the thumb. Draw Nick Wilde's other fingers as longer arcs. The height of the fingers should go outside the edge of the small circle. If you'd like, you can curve the third finger down. Follow the lower edge of the initial circle to create the rest of the hand. Add a small circle to the fingers for the padding and a tiny triangle-like shape at the tips for Nick's nails. Draw a curved shape on the palm of the hand for the padding found there.


Draw Nick Wilde Zootopia 23

Step 23: Darken the initial guides under the shirt to create Nick Wilde's pants. Bend the line on the left outward more to create the knee.


Draw Nick Wilde Zootopia 24

Step 24: Use the shapes under the pants as guides to draw Nick Wilde's feet. Divide the shape in to three sections using a couple curved lines to create the toes. Add a tiny triangle-like line on the tip of each toe for the nails. Draw the other foot the same way, except because it's pointing right, only two toes will be visible.

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