

Draw Mini Chibi Little Batman 6

Step 6: High above the eyes, make a small mark to indicate where the top of the head will be. When you get the mark on the right spot, draw a long curved horizontal line for the top of chibi Batman's head. Curve the line down toward the eye on the right to create the side of the head. The line should curve in a bit and almost touch the eye. The line should then curve back out to create the cheek and connect to the bottom.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Batman 7

Step 7: Make a small mark on the left to indicate where the side of the head will be. Draw a long, curved vertical line that conects to the bottom. Pay attention to the distance from the eye. On the upper, left side of the head, draw the first ear as an angled line similar to an upside- down letter V. Add another line that resembles an upside-down letter V on the right side for the other ear.

Draw Mini Chibi Little Batman 8

Step 8: Draw two short, curved diagonal lines on the lower right side of the head for Batman's first arm. At the end of the lines, at the bottom, draw a circle-like shape for the fist.


Draw Mini Chibi Little Batman 9

Step 9: Draw a long, curved vertical line that starts on the lower left side of the head for mini Batman's body. Curve the line to the right toward the arm to create the bottom of the body.

Draw Mini Chibi Little Batman 10

Step 10: Draw the leg on the lower, right side of the body using two short vertical lines. Add chibi Batman's foot at the bottom using an angled line similar to a greater- than sign (>).

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