Animating With Flash - FAQ

Using Flash as an animator is different than using its programming abilities.

Here you’ll find the answers to the sort of problems Flash animators meet. Specifically, I’ll list here the things you need to know if you want to use Flash for a broadcast production.

Ask or Answer!

Do you have a question about using Flash as an Animator?
A problem you’re stuck with?

Ask here in this Flash FAQ page...

And I’ll find an answer for you :-)

Do YOU have a tip that will make someone's life easier? Tell us all about it!
Post it here and save the day for a fellow animator - or - Perhaps you see a question here that you know the answer to? 

Post your answer on the question's page, and help someone get un-stuck -

Ask or Answer!

logo rainDo you have a question about using Flash as an Animator?
A problem you’re stuck with?

Ask here in this Flash FAQ page...

logo rain
And I’ll find an answer for you :-)

Do YOU have a tip that will make someone's life easier?
Tell all about it!

Post it here and save the day for a fellow animator - or - Perhaps you see a question here that you know the answer to?
Post your answer on the question's page, and help someone get un-stuck!